A SAGE Journal


Journal of Chinese Writing Systems is an international, peer-reviewed journal focusing on in-depth research of Chinese writing systems and encompassing a broad theoretical scope. It is sponsored by the Center for the Study and Application of Chinese Characters (CSACC), East China Normal University (ECNU), and published in partnership with SAGE Publishing. Journal of Chinese Writing Systems publishes both the English language articles and the Chinese language articles. The journal welcomes original articles, review articles, book reviews, comments, correspondence on research and applications of Chinese writing systems, which include modern Chinese characters, ancient scripts, Dongba scripts, and Shui scripts, etc., as well as the comparative studies on hieroglyphs of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. The journal is dedicated to the studies of morphology, i.e. the structure, formation and function of the scripts, symbols; the studies of interrelation between writing systems and the language, as well as the cognition and acquisition of Chinese characters.

Please submit articles online via https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cws.

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华东师大文字中心 百度

编辑部地址: 上海 中山北路3663号 华东师范大学 理科大楼 A1607室 (邮政编码:200062)

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